Class Behavior and Rewards


Behavior and Rewardslaugh

Students, parents, guardians, and friends, this year in second grade, there will be guidelines for both good and bad behavior.  In the case that there is disruptive behavior, students will…

1.     Be given the chance to correct their behavior (warning 1)

2.     Be given the chance to correct their behavior for a second time (warning2)

3.     Have a note sent home from Miss Connolly

4.     Conference with Miss Connolly and parent(s), guardian about a behavior plan

A behavior plan is a way to keep the student on track, and lean the correct behavior by rewarding that behavior with an incentive.

The students will be given good behavior tickets when they are caught doing something good.  At the end of each week, each student will be able to put his or her name in a bowl and have a chance to win a prize.  In addition, if the entire class is well behaved, students will have a chance to win a class party, class pajama day, among other things.